Dubai's Princess Latifa
Recent photo emerges of the missing Princess
BBC News reports:
Press Roundup
A photograph posted on Instagram this week purports to show Princess Latifa
She has not been seen or heard from in months.
The daughter of the ruler of Dubai
In mid-February, BBC Panorama broadcast secret video testimony from her
She said she feared for her life
The photo appears to show Princess Latifa in the Mall of the Emirates, sitting with two other women.
A friend of Latifa's confirmed that it is the princess in the photo.
On Saturday, a second photograph was posted to the same Instagram account.
"Lovely food at Bice Mare with Latifa earlier."
She is one of the 25 children of the Dubai ruler
Latifa attempted to escape Dubai in February 2018.
She explained that her life was heavily restricted.
A video recording
before she left:
But the escape went wrong
Eight days into a sea journey across the Indian Ocean, they were caught.
Her father later said that he considered this a "rescue mission".